Back Porch Compost Tumbler Reviews

The back porch compost tumbler is one of the best selling urban compost tumblers. For many it is the best composter so it seemed only right to give it a review.

The back porch compost tumbler is a very good compact compost tumbler and is ideal for those with limited space or who do not make compost on a large scale. The price is low in comparison to many compost tumblers and the design is certainly to be appreciated. You can view more details now via that link where you can find lots more reviews of the back porch compostumbler.

Benefits Of The Back Porch Compostumbler

As just stated one of the main benefits of the back porch compost tumbler is its nice compact size. However there is much more to it than that.

The Back Porch ComposTumbler is 37 inches high x 31 inches wide x 26 inches deep and stands on a frame that rests on 6 inch wheels. This is a great size and means it can easily sit outside the back door near to the kitchen for convenience.

The fact that it is one of the few compost tumblers on wheels makes it easily portable so it can be wheeled to wherever you want to empty it. This saves on the hassle with many other compost tumblers where you empty the contents in to a wheelbarrow and push your compost to its final site.

Portable compost tumblers are few and far between so if you do want an easily movable compost tumbler then this is the model for you. Compost tumblers on wheels are definitely much easier to use.

The back porch compost tumbler has four interior mixing fins which means it does a very effective job of breaking down the contents in to small pieces.

A Great Guarantee

There is a five year guarantee which means that the suppliers have total confidence in the product.

The back porch or patio composter is extremely easy to spin. This is at the heart of making compost in a few weeks and with the internal fins this urban composter is very effective at making quality compost in a short space of time.

The Back Porch Composter Assembly

The assembly is very straightforward and should be done fairly rapidly. A few people have stated that it took a few hours but most people have assembled the back porch composter in much shorter times. Even a few hours is a small price to pay for super fast compost.

Apart from the assembly the other main benefit is the fact that you can keep animals and vermin away from your compost. This is a major drawback to conventional compost heaps but not with the compost tumbler. As we have sealed units apart from ventilation holes we do not get rats or Dogs or Cats upsetting the compost pile. The odors are absolutely minimal as well so it is ideal for siting near to the kitchen.

Don't forget the importance of a compost keeper. We recommend that to make life easier you should collect your kitchen scraps for a few days before emptying the contents into your compost tumbler. The norpro compost keeper is our favorite and it is completely odor free because of the charcoal filters. Keep one in pride of place in your kitchen for saving all those great kitchen scraps.


In conclusion, the back porch compost tumbler is the perfect compost tumbler for those with limited room or for those who do not compost on a large scale.

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