What Are The Benefits Of The Compost Bin Tumbler?
There seem to be numerous benefits to using a rotating compost bin. The end result being of course that you can make compost so quickly. Lets take a closer look at how the benefits of a tumbler compost bin stack up.
The Compost Bin Tumbler Is Cleaner
Conventional compost bins, normally made out of recycled materials, can be messy. A large pile of decomposing vegetable matter can be off putting to some people. Personally I have never been too concerned. This is probably due to the amount of land space I have. The compost bins are never too close to be much of an eye sore. For those with limited space, or who like everything to look much tidier then an urban compost tumbler is probably the answer.
The Urban Compost Tumbler Is Compact
Whether you want a vertical or a horizontal compost bin tumbler they all have one thing in common. They are nice and compact. Ideal for putting in a corner of the garden, they will take up very little room in comparison to a conventional compost bin. You can put a surprising amount of waste material in to a rotating compost bin. A 200 litre bin, such as the Tumbleweed Composter will hold a quite vast quantity of materials.
Perfect for hiding away in a corner, or even on view, these tumblers are quite pleasing aesthetically.
A Compost Bin Tumbler Saves Money
For many, the option of having a compost heap in the conventional sense is simply not a very viable option. Lack of space or the problem of animals and rodents may simply mean it is not practical. To this end, many gardeners end up purchasing bags of soil to use in the garden or for potting plants. These bags soon add up in value. If you add up the cost over a year or two it is surprising how much you can spend.
By purchasing a compst bin tumbler, especially the Achla CMP-05 Spinning Horizontal Composter you will be saving money very quickly. I mention this product as it may be the best for some people. Which brings me to the next advantage.
An Urban Compost Tumbler Saves You Energy And Time

It is simply a matter of turning of a handle or a quick spin and you have mixed the contents very effectively. No effort and it takes no time to do.
Composting Tumblers-The Main Advantage
By far the main advantage of a compost bin tumbler is the speed in which you can make compost. Once the bin is filled you can turn the tumbler every few days with ease and get compost very rapidly. It will be a matter of two to three weeks only. To me this is still astounding but all the composting tumbler reviews confirm that this is how long it takes.
In conclusion there are many benefits to the urban compost tumbler over conventional heaps. This is especially so for those with limited space or dislike the untidy aspects and hazards of conventional piles.
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